Green Armor Solutions Wins Award for Best Site (Mutual) Authentication Technology
Aite Group Report Compares Numerous Authentication Solutions
September 26, 2006 - Hackensack, NJ - Green Armor Solutions' mutual authentication technology has been deemed the Best Site Authentication technology on the market by Aite Group. For a full copy of Aite's report please visit:
About Green Armor Solutions Inc.
Green Armor Solutions offers innovative solutions to information-security challenges facing today's businesses. Its Identity Cues™ series of products (all patent-pending) leverage a unique blend of psychology and technology to help deliver maximum security with maximum user convenience. They provide strong two-factor and mutual authentication (exceeding FFIEC and NCUA guidelines) as well as effective protection from phishing, pharming, and online fraud while allowing users to continue to enjoy the simple, comfortable user experience with which they are already familiar. Identity Cues products can help companies address security and privacy requirements as part of compliance initiatives for FFIEC/NCUA Authentication, HIPAA, and GLBA.
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